PubMed updated their main page the otherday, which is nice.

However there was a bug or problem with my Firefox keyword searches as they no longer worked. After a bit of digging I found a few handy to know URLs for use with pubmed/NCBI, such as:
PMID links
which will open the page for the article "Generation of a conditional CREB Ser133Ala knockin mouse" PMID:19621437
Search URL
will search PubMed with the following term "nur77 dundee"
In any case, here is how I used the above URL to fix my Firefox keyword search bookmarks. This might be useful for other sites where right-clicking and creating a keyword bookmark doesn't work, as long as you know the correct search URL for the site in question.
You can edit the bookmark HTML by exporting your bookmarks, making changes to the file, then deleting all the bookmarks in firefox (except the toolbar ones) and re-importing the file. No doubt there is a way to directly edit the live copy of the file but I don't know where that is saved...
Find the entry for your PubMed keyword and remove the
the end result will look something like this, if your keyword is set as "pub"

However there was a bug or problem with my Firefox keyword searches as they no longer worked. After a bit of digging I found a few handy to know URLs for use with pubmed/NCBI, such as:
PMID links
which will open the page for the article "Generation of a conditional CREB Ser133Ala knockin mouse" PMID:19621437
Search URL
will search PubMed with the following term "nur77 dundee"
In any case, here is how I used the above URL to fix my Firefox keyword search bookmarks. This might be useful for other sites where right-clicking and creating a keyword bookmark doesn't work, as long as you know the correct search URL for the site in question.
You can edit the bookmark HTML by exporting your bookmarks, making changes to the file, then deleting all the bookmarks in firefox (except the toolbar ones) and re-importing the file. No doubt there is a way to directly edit the live copy of the file but I don't know where that is saved...
Find the entry for your PubMed keyword and remove the
post_data".."part. Also update the URL to the following
the end result will look something like this, if your keyword is set as "pub"
<DT><a href="" SHORTCUTURL="pub" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">PubMed</a>